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Monday, December 7, 2009

A kiss to remember

1 comment:

Carey Anthony said...

Cutest picture ever!!
BTW, did you see this:
Weird signals coming out from X Factor this
week as it starts to get serious. Insiders say
Simon Cowell really doesn't want a third female
winner (check out his cleverly manipulative
comments to Stacey - encouragement wrapped
around subliminal insults) and yet the Xmas
song choice suits a female voice. Hints that
it would be Journey's epic Don't Stop Believin'
are thankfully - can you imagine any of
these muppets outsinging Steve Perry? -
receding as it's indicated that the chosen
track will be Miley Cyrus' The Climb.
That sounds about right - a middle-of-the-road
dirge that makes you want to kill yourself
after being forced to listen to for more than
30 seconds.

So this points to one thing. Little Joe
is the annointed one. His sweet stage school
voice would work on a Miley Cyrus number,
in a way Olly and Danyl's obviously won't.
Just like last year, when Alexandra rose
above all the others in the last three weeks,
so Joe is taking a commanding lead in the
voting each time now. The only question
at the moment is, who will join him and
Stacey in the final?