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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Can I keep 'im?

Credit: Carey

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Work - Sleep - Party

I have nothing much to update to my blog, I guess.

Pretty busy with work on weekdays and partying all night long on weekends.
I work, I sleep, I party. That is my life right now.

I had a hair cut yesterday. And I'm very satisfied with my hair right now. Very Very short hair but "Kit" said keep the hair of back head longer so that I can style at the back. So yea, I like it. He's the legend! LOL.. I like the hair-stylist that make me feel happy after my hair cut.

I am still looking for a place. So, sms me or gtalk me or msn me or leave a comment here if you have a good agent to recommend in Singapore.

Ok, I'm outta here and will leave you with some Marisa Miller.

Marisa Miller Pictures Marisa Miller Pictures Marisa Miller Pictures
Marisa Miller Pictures Marisa Miller Pictures Marisa Miller Pictures
Marisa Miller Pictures Marisa Miller Pictures


Prince Zohan

Have you watched Zohan? Lame yet Funny!
I have watched the Narnia 2 (Prince Caspian) as well and I dont really like it.



I like James McAvoy since Narnia.
"Wanted" definitely is my sort of movie. I personally think McAvoy is utterly hot and perfect for the role.

And Angelina Jolie as you know is best for this movie sort with no doubt. But I don't really like that she's too skiny now.

Guys, go and watch this one. This movie is hot!

Why so Serious?

I wanna watch this movie, The Dark Knight.
Do you like Heath Ledger?