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Sunday, December 9, 2007


Not so Artistic but I made 'em myself and that matters most? LOL
For my Cousins, Aunts and Uncle.
I hope next year would be better with more Budget.


" Huh? "
Thats the word people scared most?
If so, Dont! That's just a word.
But Quite powerful thou. Try to use it if necessary.


I watched some cute moviess...

1) Bee Movie (***)
  • Cute and Nice. I like Renee Zellweger. She just sounds so sweet.
  • People, If you want honey, Please dont kill Bees.
2) Enchanted (****)
  • This is a Disney movie. I like the movie except the Dragon scenes.
  • The whole movie will just make you feel good and so.
  • James Marsden might look good, but I have never like him. hahahaa
  • If you're a fan of Grey Anatomy, you would enjoy Patrick Demsey here also.
  • and ofcos Amy Adams carried out her role so well as a Disney Princess. I like her!
3) Goolden Compass (***)
  • Well, I always like Nicole Kidman. She is just damn Gorgeous in everyway.
  • But Im disapointed they censored the Nicole Kidman Dining Room Walk Scene. But in case, if you were wondering. Here it is..

Okty, I think that's about all for this entry.
Have a nice week ahead!



Carey Anthony said...

So cute.
Unfortunately, I fell asleep in the Golden Compass....I need to see it again :-)
Ho Ho Ho!

violetvirus said...

Love love love Enchanted and Golden Compass!..I left d Bee Movie for DVD ;P

d cards are so nice! teach me how to do, ya?

schwul-und-liberal said...

I like James Marsden and he IS a great actor!!!